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Displaying 881–890 of 1070 results
Jul 27, 2018
Persevering to Success with the Support of Family, Friends, and Faith
A story about living with retinitis pigmentosa.
Jul 20, 2018
Call to Action: Ask Congress to Support $1 Billion in Eye Research
Call to Action: Ask Congress to Support $1 Billion in Eye Research
Jul 19, 2018
Foundation Fighting Blindness Urges Congress to Pass ‘Eye-Bonds’ Legislation
Bill Introduced in U.S. House Would Speed Up Cures for Blindness
Jul 17, 2018
The Foundation Fighting Blindness Presents the Emerging Science Showcase at OIS Retina 2018
Four research and development leaders share the latest details of their groundbreaking work in therapies for retinal degenerative diseases.
Jul 16, 2018
Dr. Kelley brings more than 25 years of experience in developing, identifying, and advancing life science technologies to this leadership role at FFB
Jul 5, 2018
Retinal Regeneration: Releasing Your Inner Salamander
Many research groups from around the world are investigating ways to create new photoreceptors from stem cells for transplantation into the retina for vision restoration.
Jun 18, 2018
Three-day conference in San Diego will feature retinal science’s leading researchers and clinicians, and focus on the year’s top science and emerging treatments
Jun 15, 2018
The primary goal of the landmark study, funded by the Foundation, is to provide companies and researchers with disease-progression data and potential clinical trial endpoints to drive therapy development
Jun 8, 2018
The Foundation Fighting Blindness (the Foundation) and CheckedUp have formed a collaborative partnership to deliver patient-friendly diagnostic and disease-management information to people with retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and Stargardt disease during their visits to eye doctors.