Share Your Vision Story Through Writing
Everyone has a vision loss story to share, and we hope you will share yours during October’s Blindness Awareness Month as part of our “Share Your Vision” campaign. One of the ways you can share your story is through written word. Below are a few options to help you gather your thoughts.
Start with an opening statement. Here are a few suggested openers to help start your story, or you can write your own:
- In honor of Blindness Awareness Month this October, I wanted to share my story of vision loss. Feel free to share this with others to help raise awareness about blinding retinal diseases.
- I’ve decided to share my vision with friends and family this October in honor of Blindness Awareness Month because I believe it is important to raise awareness about blinding retinal diseases.
- I would like to share my vision because some of you may not realize that I live with a blinding retinal disease that impairs my vision. Since October is Blindness Awareness Month, hopefully, you will help me spread the word to raise awareness.
Now, it’s time to tell your story. Below are a few thought-starters to get the ball rolling:
- For me, blindness is…
- For me, vision loss means…
- I often don’t speak up about my vision because…
- I wish… but I’m grateful that….
- When I was first diagnosed with vision loss, I felt...
- My greatest challenge with vision loss has been...
- Since my diagnosis, I have learned...
- One new thing about my vision is...
Be sure to conclude your story with a call-to-action and how you hope others will get involved. Here are a few options, or you can craft your own:
- Treatments and cures for blinding retinal diseases like the one I have is right around the corner! The science is here. All that’s lacking is the funding. I believe that Foundation Fighting Blindness is at the forefront of this hope. If you are able to donate to the Foundation Fighting Blindness in my honor as part of #ShareYourVision, please visit their website to make a gift.
- Foundation Fighting Blindness is paving the way and is at the forefront of finding treatments and cures for blinding retinal diseases like mine. With the science outpacing the funds, it is critical that we continue to support the Foundation’s mission to keep pathbreaking research moving forward. Join the cause. Please donate today.
- I would be deeply grateful should you consider making a donation to fund pathbreaking research to treat and cure blinding retinal diseases like mine. Please give to the Foundation Fighting Blindness to advance this important mission.
Now that you have your story together, it is time to share. Feel free to email it out to your contacts, or post on social media. If you decide to post to social media, don’t forget to include #ShareYourVision and tag the Foundation Fighting Blindness. If you would like to share your story with the Foundation and potentially, have it included in the Share Your Vision story gallery, email your story to
Thank you again for participating in the #ShareYourVision campaign and helping to bring awareness to blinding retinal diseases. Together, we will find treatments and cures.