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Nov 10, 2022
Uni-Rare Study will improve clinical understanding of more IRDs and boost development of potential therapies.
Share Your Vision: Scott Schwartz
To help spread awareness during October Blindness Awareness Month, we’re inviting you to share your vision-loss journey through written word, audio or video as a part of our October “Share Your Vision” campaign.
Nov 4, 2022
Eye on the Cure Podcast | Episode 34: LambdaVision
November 4, 2022. Ben Shaberman talks with LambdaVision’s Nicole Wagner, PhD, and Jordan Greco, PhD.
Share Your Vision: Adriann Keve
Adriann shares her #ShareYourVision story after being diagnosed with Stargardt disease. #blindnessawarenessmonth #stargardt
Share Your Vision: Jeff Riback
Jeff shares his #ShareYourVision story about being impacted by geographic atrophy/dry age-related macular degeneration. #blindnessawarenessmonth #amd #geographicatrophy
The Foundation Fighting Blindness is inviting you to share your vision-loss journey through written word, audio or video as a part of our October “Share Your Vision” campaign. Help your friends, family, and even people you don’t know, see the world through your eyes—because your story is powerful and unique. #ShareYourVision
Jiim shares his #ShareYourVision story about being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. #blindnessawarenessmonth #blindness #retinitispigmentosa
Judy share her #ShareYourVision story about how vision loss has impacted her life. #blindnessawarenessmonth #blindness
Share Your Vision: Nevaeh Valverde
Nevaeh shares her #ShareYourVision story about being diagnosed with Stargardt disease. #blindnessawarenessmonth #blindness #stargardt
Share Your Vision: Paula Dubecky
Paula shares her #ShareYourVision story about being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). #blindnessawarenessmonth #blindness #retinitispigmentosa