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Welcome to Cincy Source
The Cincy Source provides a virtual platform for professionals serving the blind and low vision community in Cincinnati and surrounding areas to showcase services and other resources. The goal of Cincy Source is to ensure that all professionals in the local community are aware of opportunities for individuals with low vision or blindness. This Cincy Source will allow professionals in the community to connect and collaborate to offer a robust array of resources for individuals and their families.
Founding Members
- Michael Lyons, OD – Focal Pointe Eye Care
- Jim Shirk – Vice President & Education Chair Cincinnati Chapter
- Lisa Kemp – Resource Chair Cincinnati Chapter
- Michelle Glaze – Foundation Fighting Blindness
Next Forum April 2025
Cincy Source Recorded Sessions
Professional Resources
- Michael Lyons O.D., Focal Pointe Eye Care, drlyons@fpeye.care
- Aaron Bley, Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, aaron.bley@cincyblind.org
- Deborah Mendenhall & Gina Strehle, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, deborah.mendenhall@ood.ohio.gov and gina.strehle@ood.ohio.gov
- Matt Darusz, OrCam, matt.darusz@orcam.com
- Nick Mendler, Eye Spy Foundation, nick@eyespy.org
- Fred Neurohr, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, fred.neurohr@cchmc.org
- Jamie Massey, Pilot Dogs, jmassey@pilotdogs.org
- Mary Rue, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, mary.rue@ood.ohio.gov
- Sach Monga, Valley Transport, skmonga@valley-transport.com
- Tonia Koo, Blind Bowling League, tkoo@cinci.rr.com, 513-291-0065
- Dean Williams, Self Defense Classes for the Blind and Visually Impaired, debodean10@gmail.com
- Mike Breeden, 2 Can Do Tandem Bike Club, mwbreeden65@gmail.com
- Cooper Gould, United in Stride, cgould@mabcommunity.org
- Kenneth Redd, Ohio Library for the Blind & Print Disabled, kenneth.redd@cpl.org