Colorado Research Update & VisionWalk Kickoff
Saturday, August 3rd, 2019, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
2001 Colorado Blvd.
Denver, CO 80205
RSVPJoin us for this FREE event!
1:00 PM - Registration, check-in plus snacks and beverages, which includes coffee, lemonade, cold water, assorted Danish and muffins, ice cream treats, assorted cookies and brownies, great for the whole family!
1:30 PM - Research updates and current human clinical trials for RP, AMD, Stargardt, Usher 2A and more! Provided by Ben Shaberman, the Foundation’s Senior Director of Science Outreach & Community Engagement.
2:30 PM - We’ll have an Irish dance troupe and musical entertainment!
2:45 PM - Review 2019 Colorado VisionWalk
3:00 PM - The Museum will provide guided tours of the Our Senses, An Immersive Experience exhibit at the Museum. This will be a fun AND educational afternoon so bring the whole family! It’s all FREE!
Space is limited; (only 75 seats max) RSVP’s a must!
RSVP: Phone: 720-207-8362 or 866-782-7330