Ted and Elaine Welp Enhanced Career Development Program Award (Enhanced CDA)
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The Enhanced CDA ensures that an adequate pool of highly trained physicians/scientists are available to address current and future needs and opportunities for clinical research and therapy related to inherited orphan retinal degenerative diseases. This award supports and provides protected career development time to individuals with M.D. and M.D./Ph.D. degrees to further their independent research in retinal degenerative diseases. This program supports up to two mid- to senior-level faculty for three (3) years at $170,000 per year. Applicants must possess an M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degree, hold a full-time tenure-track or equivalent appointment at the sponsoring institution with a commitment of no less than five (5) years, commit at least 80% of their work hours to the program, and have successfully completed an ophthalmology residency or equivalent training. Individuals from underrepresented racial, ethnic and gender groups, as well as individuals with disabilities, are always encouraged to apply.
All prospective award recipients must submit an application via the Foundation’s online application portal. Select the Enhanced Career Development tab under the Career Development application. Application guidelines should be downloaded and reviewed before beginning your application.
Competition Closed Until Fall 2024
Research progress and accomplishments are tracked during the funding period through Scientific Progress and Financial reports. All reports should be uploaded to the Foundation’s reporting portal.