Feb 21, 2020

Anne Vannice

Beacon Stories

“I decided to include the Foundation in my estate plans,” Anne explained, “so that if the time ever comes when my grandchildren, or anyone else’s, experience vision loss, the scientists will have figured out how to help them.”

Photo of Ann Vannice

Foundation Legacy Supporter Anne Vannice

“The hardest thing about vision impairment has been losing my independence,” Anne Vannice told John Corneille, Director of Gift Planning for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. “I wish I could just get in the car to go see my three grandchildren, especially since they’re close by. But, overall, I’m really lucky to have wonderful friends and family to help. And, until four or five years ago, there were no treatments for my disease. Now there are some options, but my doctor is still very cautious.”

Anne was worried that a disease like hers might someday affect someone in her family, so she has supported the Foundation for the past 20 years. Four years ago, she decided to step up her contribution by leaving a gift in her will so that a percentage of her estate will go to the Foundation.

I decided to include the Foundation in my estate plans,” Anne explained, “so that if the time ever comes when my grandchildren, or anyone else’s, experience vision loss, the scientists will have figured out how to help them.