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Displaying 11–20 of 601 for “retinal diseases”
Aug 12, 2020
A Gene Therapy Primer for People with Inherited Retinal Diseases
Everything patients and families want to know about gene therapy…and a little bit more
Sep 28, 2021
RD Fund Launches Opus Genetics to Advance Gene Therapies for Inherited Retinal Diseases
First two programs are for Leber congenital amaurosis: LCA5-lebercillin and LCA13-RDH12
May 30, 2018
French Gene Therapy Company Advancing Three Programs for Retinal Diseases
Horama’s gene therapies are injections of healthy copies of a gene underneath the retina to compensate for the defective gene.
Feb 12, 2015
CME — What It Is, and Why People with Retinal Diseases Should Know About It
Dr. Gerald Fishman discusses cystoid macular edema (CME), a potentially damaging accumulation of fluid in the retina affecting up to 32 percent of people with retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
Jan 7, 2022
The company is currently developing programs for Stargardt disease (ABCA4), Usher syndrome, RP25 (EYS), and RP1.
Feb 7, 2020
Genetic Testing for Inherited Retinal Diseases through the Foundation’s Open Access Program
The benefits of genetic testing for IRD patients, how to participate in the Foundation’s Open Access program, and what to expect from the genetic testing process.
May 3, 2018
ARVO 2018: Dr. Stephen Daiger Reports on the State of Genetic Testing for Inherited Retinal Diseases
ARVO 2018: Dr. Stephen Daiger Reports on the State of Genetic Testing for Inherited Retinal Diseases
Sep 9, 2021
Optogenetics: Hope for Vision Restoration for Advanced Retinal Diseases
Early, encouraging results from two human studies — trials launched by Bionic Sight and GenSight — are putting optogenetic therapies in the spotlight for patients with advanced vision loss from retinal conditions.
Apr 1, 2022
Drug for Alcohol Abuse May Restore Vision for People with Retinal Diseases
The drug holds promise for enabling retinal-disease patients to get more vision from remaining photoreceptors
May 2, 2018
ARVO 2018: Dr. Steve Rose Reports on CRISPR/Cas9 for Inherited Retinal Diseases
FFB’s own Dr. Steve Rose, chief scientific officer, reviews our commitment to funding and exploring CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing for inherited retinal disease.