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This award engages cross-disciplinary investigators to drive collaborative retinal degenerative disease research efforts. The PPA enables studies that are too large or technically complex for a single investigator to undertake in a reasonable amount of time and to address current knowledge and/or therapeutic gaps. The effort is unified around a single, well-articulated research hypothesis and clearly defined milestones relevant to the Foundation’s mission. The PPA award address knowledge gaps or therapeutic goals identified by The Foundation or an equally significant gap or goal approved by the Foundation. Funding for this effort will be considered up to $500,000 per year up to five (5) years. Individuals from underrepresented racial, ethnic and gender groups, as well as individuals with disabilities, are always encouraged to apply.
All prospective award recipients first submit a Letter of Intent and, by invitation only, an application via the Foundation’s online application portal. Application guidelines should be downloaded and reviewed before beginning your letter or application. For additional information, send an email request to grants@fightingblindness.org.
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Research progress and accomplishments are tracked during the funding period through Scientific Progress and Financial reports. All reports should be uploaded to the Foundation’s reporting portal.