Washington Spring Speaker Series
Saturday, May 4th, 2019, 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lincoln Square
700 Bellevue Way NE, 15th Floor, Room 15100
Bellevue, WA 90084
By Wednesday, May 1 to Shane Cullen at SCullen@FightingBlindness.org or call 866-782-7330.
Spring Speaker Series Seminar
Research Updates, Clinical Trials, and the Patient Experience
Registration: 1:30 PM
Program: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
This May we will have two expert speakers presenting on the latest research updates following the ARVO Conference, as well as on the patient experience during clinical trials.
Topic 1: ARVO - The Latest in Research and Clinical Trials
Ben Shaberman, Senior Director of Scientific Outreach and Community Engagement
Foundation Fighting Blindness
Topic 2: The Patient Experience - Contributing to the Advancement of Knowledge
Jill Dolgin, PharmD, Head, Patient Advocacy, AGTC
Please email Shane Cullen at SCullen@FightingBlindness.org to RSVP by Wednesday, May 1st. Seating is limited, and advance registration is requested.