Charlotte Chapter

Chapter Contact

Chelsea Warr

As the president of the Charlotte chapter, I am dedicated to being an ambassador of hope and a mentor to those who, like me, are affected by retinal diseases. My journey has shown me the power of community and the importance of support. Leading this chapter is more than a role; it’s an opportunity to build an extended family that understands our daily challenges and celebrates our resilience. Together, we can inspire each other and work towards a future where treatments and cures are within reach.

Jared Hallman - Chapter President

Charlotte Chapter Leadership

Name Role
Jared Hallman Chapter President
Dr. Shelia Garcia-Santana  Education Chair
Vacant Revenue Chair
Vacant AIDE Chair

Additional Resources

  • Find a Doctor Who Sees Patients with Inherited Retinal Diseases
  • Learn more about Raising our Sights Do-It-Yourself Events