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In honor of Blindness Awareness Month this October, I wanted to share my story of vision loss. Feel free to share this with others to help raise awareness about blinding retinal diseases.
I’ve decided to share my vision with friends and family this October in honor of Blindness Awareness Month, because I believe it is important to raise awareness about blinding retinal diseases.
I would like to share my vision with you because some of you may not realize that I live with a retinal disease that impairs my vision. Since October is Blindness Awareness Month hopefully you will help me spread the word to raise awareness.
I'd like to write my own opening .
My vision loss is due to...
Achromatopsia , which causes loss of visual acuity as well as central vision, color vision and vision in lighted conditions.
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome , which causes progressive loss of night and peripheral vision from retinitis pigmentosa.
Best Disease , which causes macular degeneration and the loss of central vision, visual acuity and color perception.
Chrorodermia , which causes progressive vision loss, starting with the peripheral vision and later progressing to the central vision.
Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) , which causes vision loss in early childhood from the degeneration or dysfunction of photoreceptors.
Macular Degeneration , one of the most common forms of vision loss, which causes blurred or reduced vision as a result of thinning of the macula.
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) , which causes decreased vision in low light as well as the loss of side vision, also known as tunnel vision.
Refsum Disease , which auses vision loss, absence of smell, and a number of other symptoms
Usher Syndrome , which not only causes night-blindness and a loss of peripheral vision, but hearing loss and balance issues as well.
Stargardt Disease , an inherited form of Macular Degeneration, which causes decreased central vision loss.
X-Linked Retinoschisis, which causes vision loss due to splitting of the layers of the retina.